2007年12月15日 星期六







原文轉貼自 http://forum.slime.com.tw/thread148564.html

2007年12月13日 星期四

備份 Outlook 2003 電子郵件帳號 和 郵件規則


1. 點選開始【開始】→【執行】,輸入 Regedit 來開啟登錄編輯程式
2. 到 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MicrosoftWindows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 這一個機碼,,裡面每一個都是你 的郵件帳號設定。
3. 將子機碼匯出,或匯出整個Outlook下的機碼,應可一併備份郵件規則。

2007年11月15日 星期四

Wagaly Talk 資源回收

之前的Wagaly Talk合約到期了, 看看目前Seednet一線三享的內容好像還不錯, 就申辦了.
沒幾天新的Wagaly Talk II 新的機子也寄來了, 留下了一代的機子無所事事.
正好身邊還有一台10M 的 HUB 還在服役中, 所以就把這台機子拿來當HUB了.
設定方式很簡單, 要先刷網上可找到的Firmware, 才可以設定LAN, WAN, DHCP等.
再把所的線接到 LAN port, WAN 空下來不接(除非還要用一代的Wagaly Talk功能),
關掉DHCP, 就可以了..
好大的一台 4 ports HUB....

2007年11月7日 星期三

PowerPoint關閉後都會出現 "PowerPoint發生問題必需關閉"

在 Microsoft 網站上找到下確的解法.
1. regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Vba\Vba6\Vbe6.dll"
2. cd
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Vba\Vba6\
3. ren Vbe6.dll Vbe6.dll.bak
4.啟動 PowerPoint。.
5.在 [ 工具 ] 功能表, 再指到 巨集 , 及 Visual Basic 編輯器 。
6.電腦會提示您進行修復時請按一下 [ 是 ] 。

可參考 : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/827319/zh-tw


如題, 每次都會出現, 在 Microsoft 有找到解答, 試過也真的有效.

將 "C:\Windows\system32\msvbvm60.dll" 檔案更名後即可.

2007年11月5日 星期一


朋友轉寄來的mail, 或許大家都看過了, 隨便看看吧!


下列有 4個問題及一個加分題,你必須立刻回答,不能花時間慢慢想,讓我們看看你有多聰明。 準備好,向下捲!

第一題: 你參加賽跑,追過第 2 名,你是第幾名?
解答:如果你的回答是第 1名,你就錯了!你如果追過第2 名,你只是取代那人的位置,你是第2 名。

回答第2 題,你不能使用與回答第1題相同的時間。
第二題: 你參加賽跑,你追過最後一名,你是第幾名?
解答: 如果你的回答是倒數第 2名,你又錯了!告訴我,你怎能追過最後一名?顯然你並未樂在其中!

第三題: 以1000 加上 40,再加 1000,再加 30 ,再加1000 ,現在加上 20,再加一次 1000,現在加上 10 ,總數是什麼?
解答:得到 5000 是嗎?正確答案是 4100,不要相信,用計算機查證吧!

第四題:Mary的父親有 5 個女兒,第 1個女兒 Nana , 第 2 個女兒 Nene, 第 3個女兒 Nini , 第 4 個女兒 Nono,第 5 個女兒的名字是什麼?
解答: 答案是 Nunu嗎?不!絕對不是,她的名字是 Mary,請再讀一次問題!

加分題: 一個啞巴想買牙刷,他模仿刷牙的動作,成功的向店主表達,也完成了購買。現在如果一個瞎子想買一副太陽眼鏡,他要如何表達?


你答對了幾題 ?

2007年11月3日 星期六

XP 同時多人遠端登入

以下為 google search 到的, 不知道原始出處.

These guidelines will show you how a Windows XP system with SP2 build 2055 can host two concurrent sessions. This Service pack can be found on the filesharing-networks. By creating a registry key you will be able to let Termsvr.dll on your system allow two concurrently active sessions, unlike all previous builds where only one active session was allowed. A previously leaked document from Microsoft hinted about a registrykey which would allow a smart-display to connect and create a new session on a Windows XP system without interrupting the console-user or affecting fast user switching on the console. Microsoft first confirmed this option, but later they explicitly denied it. Well, this new build of Windows XP SP2 contains everything the document suggested, only the registrykey was named differently.

Step 1: Activate the license for a second session
Click: Start - Run
And type: regedit
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Licensing Core
Right-mouse-click on the right pane and create a new DWORD: EnableConcurrentSessions
Double-click the value and type: 1

Step 2: Create a policy for a second session using the Group Policy Editor
Click: Start - Run
And type: gpedit.msc
Go to: Local Computer Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Terminal Services
Double-click in the right pane on: Allow users to connect remotely using Terminal Services
Select: Enabled

Step 3: Install Remote Desktop Client software on your client machine if you don't already have it
Download the package here: Remote Desktop Client

GREAT! You can now use the Remote Desktop Client to connect from a client to this Windows XP SP2 Host. Poke around some more in the Policies and Security Setting to tweak your system some more. The explanations about the settings are not difficult to understand. Here are some tips.

Tip 1: Install this administration pack on the Windows XP host-system

Description: Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack
file: Adminpak.msi
Located on: Windows 2003 Server CD (find it on filesharing networks)
Or download it here: Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack

After installation these and other applications are available:
tsmmc.msc -> View the remote desktops on a system
tsadmin.exe -> Use in a remote session to get session-information of a system

Tip 2: Enable yourself to take over your home desktop from your office (or vice versa) using the Group Policy Editor

Click: Start - Run
And type: gpedit.msc

Go to: Local Computer Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Terminal Services
Doubleclick in the right pane on: Sets rules for remote control of Terminal Services user sessions
Select: Enabled
And select option: Full Control without user's permission

Tip 3: Allow users, other than 'Administrator' to remote login too, using Local Security Settings

Click: Start - Run
And type: secpol.msc /s

Go To: Security Settings - Local Policies - User Rights Assignment
Doubleclick in the right pane on: Allow logon through Terminal Services
Click on: Add User or Group
Click on: Advanced
Click on: Find now
Hold CTRL and select the users you want to allow to connect directly to your computer
Confirm three times

Note: This is not necessary if you only want to remotely login as 'Administrator'. From that session you would be able to remote control another session. Users without a password can never login remotely. To remotely control active sessions of these users you should login to an account with a password. From within that session do this:

Click on: Start - Windows Security - Users
Rightclick on: The session you want to control
Select: Remote Control
Select and escapekey

Tip 4: Edit users from within a remote session

Click: Start - Run
And Type: lusrmgr.msc

Goodluck and Enjoy!


或可參考另一連結 Concurrent remote desktop

這裡還有另外一篇 XP 的終端機也能多人同時登入!


2007年10月11日 星期四

My blog ?

不過呢, 硬碟收了一堆文章, 又沒找到比較好用的管理工具,所以就先用這個來頂了...